المظاهرات الطلابية في الولايات المتحدة شكلت نقطة تحول عالمية في صراع الشرق الأوسط
4 مايو، 2024
12 دقائق
Maher Abdel Qader, President of the Palestinian American Congress in New York, said In press statements to “Rosa Al-Youssef Gateway”, weeks ago, American universities launched an escalating student movement that began at Columbia University in New York City on 4/17 in support of the steadfastness of the defenseless Palestinian people and demanding that the university administration terminate all contracts of cooperation with Israeli institutions.
< p>210 days after the Israeli occupation army’s aggression against the Gaza Strip These protests continue, calling for an end to the Israeli crimes of genocide, an end to the aggression, and an end to the policy of racial discrimination in the occupied Palestinian territories. Vietnam in the late sixties and early seventies of the last century, as well as the 1985 University of California protests to reject the apartheid policies pursued by South Africa. At that time, America was forced to meet the demands of the students and withdrew from Vietnam.
The University of California Berkeley also decided to withdraw $3 billion from investments linked to South Africa, a decision that greatly affected South Africa and its shares In ending the rule of the white minority in the country.
Abdel Qader added that currently, the political movement led by American students in solidarity with the Palestinian plight, which is growing unexpectedly, as it is led by students from Various elite universities in America) These scientific institutions are considered the reservoir of American elites in the fields of politics, society, economics, financial and investment institutions, and (they began to face a violent and deliberate repressive response from local authorities in many states such as New York, Texas, Florida, California, and Michigan.
Student demonstrations revealed the size of the huge investments made by universities, American and international organizations, governments, states, and sovereign funds to the Israeli economy, especially the army. Over the years, the Zionist movement has succeeded not only in establishing Israel, but also in forcing the world to support it and invest in it and support its companies, institutions, government, and army. The support begins from Western governments, arms factories, scientific research, and universities all the way up For tea, coffee, and fast food companies, if this support stops and investments are withdrawn, the Zionist project will fall.
He stressed, saying, tension escalated in these universities after the president of Columbia University asked to suppress the students’ sit-in, as the authorities led an arrest campaign against them in order to deter them, and he Which led to the anger expanding further to include all eight elite American universities.
More than 200 other universities also joined him, according to the latest information. The students have put their educational, professional and political future at risk, as the Zionist lobby and the right-wing Zionist media in America are leading a distorted campaign against them as Benjamin Netanyahu, who described the student protests as an anti-Semitic movement that increases hatred of Jews in the world and reminds him of Nazi Germany.
Maher Abdel Qader, President of the American Palestinian Congress
He pointed out that the broad student movement reflects the large gap between the American people and the political elite in the White House and Congress, which is supported by millions of dollars from the Zionist lobby (AIPAC). This gap contributed to pushing the student forces and raising their voice against American policy, especially the Biden administration, which is blindly biased towards Israel and supports it financially, politically, and militarily in its aggression against the people. Palestinian.
The elite in both American parties, the Democratic and Republican, are in a position of complete submission to the arrogance of Israel, especially the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupying state. In this context, the statements of Mike Johnson, the extremist Speaker of the House of Representatives and a member of the American Republican Party from the state of Louisiana, who belongs to the Evangelical Zionist movement in Washington, described the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza as a religious war, and called Mike Johnson with a powerful voice. From the doorstep of Columbia University to the resignation of the President of Columbia University, Professor Nemat Shafik, of Egyptian origin, despite her desperation to maintain her position and her love for the whims of the Zionist lobby, and her stand against the students of her university and their freedom, and she called on the New York Police to storm the campus. This is not an easy step, as bringing in the police to suppress students in the most prestigious universities in the world is a step that strikes at freedom of expression.
The world watched the American police attack students from east to west of America, passing through the south… as if all of this was happening in Universities in third world countries or in Arab or Islamic countries or Africa.
Representative in the US House of Representatives Rick Allen said to the President of Columbia University during her interrogation in Congress: “God’s covenant with Abraham was very clear: “ If you bless Israel, I will bless you, and if you curse Israel, I will curse you. Haven’t you heard about this covenant? The university president responds by saying, “Now I know it from you.” He added: Do you want God to curse Columbia University?!
The student demonstrations in the United States constituted a global turning point in the Middle East conflict, almost as was the case previously in the Vietnam War, where American universities demonstrated In the years 1968 – 1971 to stop the war.
“Western societies are living societies that believe in a culture of human rights, despite Zionist propaganda and propaganda,” to reveal to students and the masses the value of unconditional support that What these countries provide to Israel, and other factors, heralds a coming movement of people in the West against their political and economic elites and the horror of what they have witnessed of the war of annihilation practiced by Israel on a daily basis against the Palestinians.
Student protests in support of Gaza expanded on American university campuses during The past two weeks, especially after the NYPD entered the Columbia University campus, at the request of its president, a day after she was “interrogated.” In Congress, 108 students were arrested, as a number of them had set up tents on the university campus on Wednesday morning, April 17, to stage a sit-in to denounce the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.
What we should realize is that the student movement in universities The prestigious American movement, from Harvard in Cambridge to Stanford in California, Brown in Rhode Island, passing through the University of Michigan and Ohio in the East West, all the way to Florida and Texas, is not just a passing movement, but rather this protest represents an April awakening, which stands in the face of the madness of Israel, the Zionist movement, and the administration. President Biden’s Zionists and the extremist racist religious government in Israel. The intensity of the protests on American university campuses increases every day more and more, and they even expand and move to other universities, and all of this puts pressure on President Joe Biden, who supports the occupying state, and who is heading to presidential elections in less than 5 months, as he feels, like everyone else, that they are on the cusp of the end. Similar to the Vietnam War. Yesterday, Reuters indicated in an opinion poll it conducted that showed that Biden has the lowest support in America, where his support rate dropped to 38%.
The exit of students from these universities (prestigious elite universities are a refuge for children of wealthy families from different parts of the world, Including the children of the rich from the Middle East and North Africa), the prestigious and others in protests reminiscent of those witnessed by America during the Vietnam War and the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. The movement taking place in American universities, especially those affiliated with the “Ivy League” group, shows awareness and pride in this generation of young people who were previously accused of selfishness, narcissism, and laziness, and is known as the “Why Generation?” Or “Generation Why”.
And to generalize their peaceful movement in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza and in rejection of the policies of the Zionist President Biden’s administration and their participation in supporting the war of extermination waged by the Israeli occupation army forces by providing weapons, money and intelligence information as well as military and diplomatic support and cover. Especially in the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and my intelligence services, this is nothing but an awakening of conscience among the ranks of a vanguard elite of students, professors, intellectuals, and opinion makers. This elite will have a leadership role in the future. Zaher is freed from his Zionist dependency. What is happening is a real, peaceful revolution that would advance the achievement of justice for the people of Palestine and enhance human well-being, the prosperity of societies, equality, equal opportunities, and the rules of law for a fair democracy in America and save it from tyranny and complete submission to the Zionist movement.
Since the Israel War. The current incidents of hatred and bias against Arabs, especially Palestinians, have increased in the United States.
In October of last year, immediately after Israel began its attack on Gaza A 6-year-old American-Palestinian child was killed after being stabbed by a man in Illinois.
Three students of Palestinian origin were also shot in November in Vermont, and an American of Palestinian origin was stabbed in Texas in February< /p>
From Vietnam to Gaza: – A shift in the positions of Western societies.
What brings to mind the militant enthusiasm that spread the United States in the sixties of the last century, when student protests The huge number of students in universities varied in their causes and demands, as they included positions rejecting the war in Vietnam, the apartheid regime in South Africa, and support for the human rights and equality movement.
American institutions calling for human rights are now scrambling to suppress the student movement in America, which resulted in the arrest of more than 2,000 male and female students, and describe it as dangerous because it makes Israel and its supporters in the two main American parties stand naked in front of American and international public opinion, which reveals The reality of the American administration’s tendencies to unilaterally support the genocidal crimes committed by Israel.
It is assumed that the universities that began the movement to support Palestine are elite universities, which create future leaders in the country, such as Columbia University, Harvard University, Yale University, and Brown University, and include in their ranks Members of the elite and a large segment of the middle class, which often carries out change processes in America, the danger of what is happening is that it reinforces in American and international public opinion the fact that Israel is committing genocidal crimes in Gaza and is practicing persecution and racial discrimination in a blatant manner. The public appearance of the American police and their use of violence to suppress demonstrations showed that the practices of the American police do not differ from any police in third world countries, as pictures spread around the world of American police officers pursuing peaceful protesters and arresting them in violent, hideous ways that do not differ from other methods of violence. In ancient dictatorships.
This movement does not just say that what is happening in Gaza is genocide, but it confirms that America is not only complicit, but participating in this genocide, with billions of dollars. Financing, arming, and supporting economically, politically, diplomatically, and with the international judiciary, as Washington is exerting great pressure on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court not to issue arrest warrants against Israeli war criminals. It has also exerted the same pressure on the International Court of Justice to refuse to accept the accusations against Israel, within the file it submitted. South Africa and several countries adopted it, the most recent of which was Turkey. This movement exposes the reality of the alliance of the arms manufacturing lobbies, the energy industry, the financial and banking sectors, the Zionist lobby, and the new Christian Zionists with the official institution. Its appearance is that these institutions are working to subjugate America to serve the interests of a foreign country at the expense of the interests of the American.
What the war revealed On Gaza and the student movement in the Western world, the Zionist lobby, since the establishment of the Zionist entity in Palestine in 1948, has domesticated the ruling regime and the scientific and military institutions to accept, with a false narrative, the appearance of the Israeli executioner in the image of the victim, and the Palestinian victim in the image of the executioner.
He made clear, as he exposes the student movement and reveals and exposes the always-used record, that whoever criticizes Israel is "hostile He is anti-Semitic, hates the Jews, and works directly to undermine their existence. This is the justification used by the official establishment of the Biden government to suppress this movement, even though the “Jewish Voice for Peace” organization She was one of the most prominent participants and organizers of the student protests at Columbia University, which makes claims of anti-Semitism fall in the face of such voices that loudly say to Israel: “Not in our name.”
This refutes the false sympathy shown by the president House Representative Mike Johnson spoke with Jewish students when he stated that he could not bear to see Jews chased in the streets by anti-Semitic preachers, a reflection of the Prime Minister of Israel’s description of the protest actions as the actions of “a group of anti-Semitic mobs occupying American universities.” This is a description that former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders did not like, who said: “No, Mr. Netanyahu, saying that your government killed 34,000 in 6 months is not anti-Semitism or support for the Hamas movement, and saying that you destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, health system, and 221,000 homes is not hostility.” For the Semites». The West and the Zionist lobby fear that students will pay The ruling establishment in the United States and the West are against the war, and this harms the interests of Israel and will push the cause of the people of Palestine to be recognized.