السديس: لوافح الصيف النافح يبعث على الاعتبار ويُذكر بحر النار

القاهرة: «خليجيون 24»
His Eminence said in the Friday sermon that he delivered today in the Grand Mosque: “Indeed, in the succession of seasons and seasons there is a reminder, and in the succession of decisive days and nights there is a lesson. At this time, the heat of the scorching summer appears to us, and its scorching winds blow upon us, as hopes for its exploitation are rising and rising, and the depths are looking forward to its enjoyment and yearning. How can it be that it has spread its curtains upon us, and has created a shade and made it luxurious, and has scattered poisonous winds in the world, and has spread its raging heat with its sun, which prompts remembrance, and inspires reflection, and reminds us of the heat of the Fire, as it came in the two Sahihs from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The Fire complained to its Lord, and said: O “My Lord, some of me has eaten some of me, so He has permitted it to have two breaths, one in the winter and one in the summer. The most intense heat you find is from the poisonous winds of Hell, and the most intense cold you find is from the freezing cold of Hell.” It was also mentioned in the two Sahihs from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “When the heat becomes intense, cool down by praying, for the intense heat is from the scorching heat of Hell,” citing the words of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri: “Every cold that destroys something is from the breath of Hell, and every heat that destroys something is from the breath of Hell.”
He added: “What is commendable to the rulers of our country, may God protect it, is the generous directive to shorten the sermon and shorten the prayer in the Two Holy Mosques. It came in consideration of the objectives of the Sharia in facilitating and removing hardship, and out of concern for the health and safety of worshippers and pilgrims from the blazing summer heat, and to confirm that the human being comes first. May God reward our rulers with the best reward, and the most complete reward for what they have provided to the Two Holy Mosques and their visitors from pilgrims, pilgrims and visitors.” While summer brings in its dew a summer vacation and psychological calm, after the concerns of life, and the fatigue of responsibilities and tasks, where the busy and the hot rest in its areas, and the exhausted draw from its spaciousness the coolness of tranquility and joy, and the spirit of abundant comfort. Good news for those who fill it with righteousness and obedience and adorn it, and happiness for those who paint it with the best of goodness and cover it! Noting: “Free time is a great blessing that can only be appreciated by those who have been robbed of it. How can a sane person waste precious time in idleness, and tear up precious time in idleness? That is the one who wastes opportunities; so he suffers from sorrows, and entails hatred and bitterness. O you who are in the spaciousness of free time, is there no one who is stingy with his times and hours? Is there no one who takes heed of the loss of his months and years? Is there no one who remembers… As his days and moments passed, citing the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, his times were the best example to be emulated, and his entertainment was the best proof to be emulated, in moderation and balance, loftiness and perfection. He was the most firm and kind of people, and the most loyal in companionship and affection.
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Fiance #Sacred Mosque Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais: What is commendable to the rulers of our country, may God protect it, is the generous directive to shorten the sermon and shorten the prayer in… #the Two Holy Mosques To facilitate and relieve the hardship of worshippers and pilgrims and to ensure their health and safety from the scorching summer heat (Al-Ikhbariya)… pic.twitter.com/pByukaBV6n
– Al-Madina Newspaper (@Almadinanews) July 26, 2024
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Fiance #Sacred Mosque Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais: O servants of God, who have decided to hold wedding and celebration occasions, you must observe the legal controls and etiquette on occasions and stay away from extravagance, waste and all other sins to address the phenomena of spinsterhood and high dowries (Al-Ikhbariya)#Friday prayer… pic.twitter.com/IltrYKpbhs
– Al-Madina Newspaper (@Almadinanews) July 26, 2024
He continued in his sermon, saying: “With the summer vacation spreading, which brings to societies manifestations of joy and relaxation, and the peaks of happiness and cheerfulness, especially for those who intend to hold wedding and wedding occasions; God, God, in observing the controls and Islamic etiquette on these occasions, from economy, rationalization, good obedience, and avoiding extravagance, waste, and lavishness and all other sins, and seriousness in addressing the phenomena of spinsterhood, high dowries, and the like related to wedding occasions,” noting at the same time that with the passing of the years, the great issue of Muslims in Palestine and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque remains in the conscience of the nation, a witness to its interest in major issues, finding effective solutions to resolve them, staying away from conflicts and disputes, and working to establish peace and stability. God is responsible for accepting good deeds from everyone, and achieving for everyone what pleases Him the aspirations and hopes, and making the present days better than Her past and future are better than her present.

In Medina, the Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque, His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Abdul Mohsen bin Muhammad Al-Qasim, advised Muslims to fear God Almighty and observe Him in secret and in private.
The Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque explained that God sent His messengers to lead people out of darkness into light. Whoever answers them will go to the light of guidance, and whoever does not answer them will remain in the darkness of ignorance and heedlessness, which is the root of evil and one of the greatest diseases of the heart, depriving the servant of the good of this world and the hereafter.

His Eminence continued that God Almighty took a covenant from the children of Adam that He is their Lord and their God, so that they would not make excuses for heedlessness. God Almighty said: “And do not be among the heedless.” And in the hadith: “O God, I seek refuge in You from weakness and laziness, miserliness and old age, hardness and heedlessness.”
And his virtue is that Allah commanded His Messenger to warn the people before they regret their heedlessness. And He, the Almighty, informed us of the approaching reckoning of the people so that they would awaken from their heedlessness. “The reckoning of the people has drawn near, while they are in heedlessness turning away.” And He condemned those who know only the outward aspects of this world while they are heedless of the Hereafter. And every nation that has been cut off from warning and in which reminders are neglected falls into heedlessness, “To warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless.” And Allah informed us that many of the people are heedless of His signs.

His Eminence the Imam and Preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque continued that among the causes of heedlessness are: loving the world and relying on it, and giving priority to its pleasures over the Hereafter. Some of the wise men said: “Whoever looks at the world without learning, his heart’s sight will be blinded to the extent of that heedlessness.” Turning away from reciting the Qur’an and remembering Allah causes heedlessness and the death of the heart. The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The example of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember his Lord is like the example of the living and the dead.” (Agreed upon). The result of abandoning Friday prayers out of negligence and laziness causes heedlessness, and keeping company with the heedless is a path to it. Allah, the Almighty, has forbidden keeping company with them, obeying them, and accepting them. “Do not obey those who…” We have made his heart heedless of Our remembrance.
The Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque said that it is deceiving for a servant to do wrong and then see good, so he thinks that he has been forgiven. Perhaps he sees that his body and wealth are safe, so he thinks that there is no punishment for him, and he does not know that his negligence of what he was punished with is one of the greatest punishments. Safety from negligence is a rare matter; it may overtake the pious servant, but he quickly becomes aware, remembers, and repents. God Almighty says: “Indeed, those who fear God – when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember[God]and at once they have insight.”
The Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque explained that a Muslim should supplicate to God with a supplication of request and in a manner that suits his need. God Almighty said: “Say: Call upon God or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever[name]you call upon, to Him belong the best names.” Awakening from heedlessness is the first key to goodness; and it is achieved by obeying the commands of God and His Messenger, and among the things that awaken from it is reciting the great Book of God. This is a statement for the people and a guidance and admonition for the righteous. Maintaining the five daily prayers is one of the things that saves from heedlessness. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever maintains these prescribed prayers will not be recorded among the heedless.” (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah). Praying at night, even with a few verses, is a zakat from heedlessness. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever prays at night with ten verses will not be recorded among the heedless.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud). Circles of the Qur’an and Sunnah and gatherings of knowledge remove heedlessness from the hearts. Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “The gatherings of remembrance are the gatherings of the angels, and the gatherings of idle talk and heedlessness are the gatherings of the devils, so let the servant choose the one that pleases him and is most deserving of him, for he will be with his family in this world and the Hereafter.” Heedlessness is a veil between the servant and his Lord, and remembrance removes that veil and expels the devil. Allah the Almighty said: “And remember your Lord within yourself in humility and fear and without being loud in speech, in the mornings and the evenings, and be not of the heedless.” Performing acts of worship at times when people are heedless is one of the things that saves from heedlessness. Repentance is the reason for the purity of the heart and safety from heedlessness. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “When a servant commits a sin, a black spot is placed on his heart. If he desists, seeks forgiveness, and repents, his heart is cleansed.” That is, that spot is erased.

His Eminence continued that Satan waits for the servant to be heedless and continues to attack him until he covers the heart and blinds it, so his heedless heart becomes a refuge for Satan. Whoever is heedless of God will be punished by having his insight obliterated, and he will be prevented from knowing God and His signs, and from distinguishing truth from falsehood. If heedlessness becomes entrenched, Its owner does not understand, nor does he see, nor does he hear, nor does he reason. They have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. They are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. They are the heedless. It is the reason for Allah’s vengeance on the servant and his destruction. Allah the Almighty said: So We took vengeance on them and drowned them in the sea because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
The Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque said that God Almighty threatened the heedless with Hellfire, when the veil of mist will be removed from their hearts, and they will see what they used to deny on the Day of Resurrection. God Almighty said: “You were certainly in heedlessness of this, so We have removed from you your cover, so your sight today is sharp.” They will admit their heedlessness and regret it, “The true promise has drawn near.” Then, behold, the eyes of those who disbelieved will stare, “Oh, woe to us! We were indeed in heedlessness of this.” And when they enter the Hellfire, they will repeat the regret for their heedlessness. Woe to us! We were indeed heedless of this; rather, we were wrongdoers. He pointed out that Allah is not heedless. Allah the Almighty said: “And your Lord is not heedless of what you do.” And that the combination of evil is heedlessness and desire. Heedlessness of Allah and the Hereafter closes the door of goodness, and desire opens the door of evil. The further the heart is from Allah, the faster the plagues reach it, and the closer it is to Allah, the further the plagues are from it. Distance from Allah has levels, some of which are more severe than others, and there is no escape from the affliction of disobedience except by getting rid of heedlessness.

The Imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque said that Satan’s entrance into the servant is due to heedlessness, lust, and anger, and the rust of the heart due to heedlessness and sin, and its polishing by seeking forgiveness and remembrance. One of the signs of a healthy heart is that it continues to urge its owner until he turns to Allah, submits to Him, and clings to Him. Whoever is heedless of himself, his time will pass and his regrets will intensify. So make up for what has passed with what remains. Whoever corrects what remains will be forgiven for what has passed. The wise person is the one who stands with himself, holding himself accountable and reproaching, correcting his path, making up for his mistakes, and reviewing at night the actions he has done during the day.

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر